How to safely store and use smokeless coal

by | Jul 27, 2023

About Smokeless Heat Logs

Storing and using smokeless coal correctly is an important issue for those who burn it. While smokeless coal does not produce the same amount of smoke and other pollutants associated with traditional coal, it still must be stored and handled with care to ensure it can be used efficiently for heating purposes. Here are some tips to help homeowners safely store and use smokeless coal.

1. Choose the right storage space

When storing smokeless coal, it’s important to choose a location that is away from combustible materials and out of direct sunlight. You should also select a storage space with plenty of ventilation to allow fresh air to circulate, as smokeless coal gives off small amounts of carbon monoxide when burned. It’s wise to store your smokeless coal in tightly-closed containers in a space with good ventilation. In your garden shed or outside storage is ideal, as long as it is dry and away from other heat sources or fire ignitation materials.

2. Invest in appropriate equipment

Aside from choosing the right storage space, it’s also essential to invest in the appropriate equipment needed to safely handle and burn smokeless coal. This includes a coal bucket to store and transport the coal, a shovel for scooping the coal, a fire rake to stir and distribute the coal evenly, and a fire guard to help protect against sparks and embers. It’s also important to use firelighters, such as a slow-burning fuel, when lighting your fire to reduce the risk of burning your coal too quickly. We recommend natural firelighters.

3. Use smokeless coal sparingly

Smokeless coal is more efficient than traditional coal and produces fewer toxins, so it should be used sparingly. This is especially important if you have an open fire, as burning too much smokeless coal at one time can damage your chimney and lead to other problems. When lighting your fire, use fewer briquettes or lumps of smokeless coal than you would with other types of fuel. If you are looking for a good multi-purpose smokeless coal then check out our Ecoal by Homefire.

4. Dispose of ashes properly

Once you’ve finished using your smokeless coal, it’s important to properly dispose of the ashes. Use a shovel to scoop the cooled ashes into a coal bucket, and then place the bucket outside, away from any flammable materials. You should never use coal ashes as fertilizer or put them in your compost pile, as they contain toxic metals and other pollutants. Once your smokeless coals have completely cooled you can dispose of them in your home waste bin. But make sure the coals are completely cooled first!

5. Invest in a carbon monoxide alarm

As previously mentioned, smokeless coal emits carbon monoxide when it is burned, so it’s important to invest in a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm. This device will sound an alarm when CO levels are too high in your home, letting you know that you need to open some windows and take other precautions. It’s wise to have at least one CO alarm installed near your fire, as well as one on every level of your home. You can find a reasonably priced carbon monoxide (CO) alarm on Amazon.

Storing and using smokeless coal safely is essential for anyone who burns this type of fuel. Following the steps outlined above will help keep you and your family safe, and ensure that your smokeless coal is properly stored and used.

Written by Murray Price
Written by Murray Price

I am passionate about environmental protection and believe that everyone should do their part to reduce their impact on the environment. Through the smokeless coal website, I want to make it easier for people to make the switch to smokeless fuels, which can help reduce air pollution and improve public health.